Leader in integrated revenue management and system integration
Integrate Legacy and Critical systems to streamline your transaction processing
Cities and Towns
These agencies are looking to modernize and consolidate their systems. Infocorp uses Access2Gov as a delivery point consolidator by integrating and migrating legacy system collection points to A2G
Transaction Flow
Below describes the flow between Access2Gov and Critical or Legacy systems
1Critical/Legacy system completes function
The transaction is now ready for payment. The critical/legacy system pushes the transaction to Access2Gov to collect payment
2Access2Gov receives the transaction
A2G receives the transaction details and is automatically populated. A2G is now ready to collect payment
3A2G collects payment
The cashier selects the customer payment method and collects payment. For Card payments, A2G pushes the amount to the integrated payment terminal, which prompts the card holder thru the payment flow
4Transaction complete and sent to critical/legacy system
A2G saves the transaction details, prints the receipt and pushes the transaction result back to the critical/legacy system
- Looking to Modernize your Municipality?Infocorp and Access2Gov are experienced and proven
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